Customising your landing pages

Posted on Mar 21, 2017

When you send an email to your list, it is likely that your message will contain a link to a webpage for your members to read more or visit a particular website. It’s important to make sure that the page they click through to (the landing page) looks right and does what you need it to. One important thing, particularly if you are using Simplelists for email marketing campaigns, is to ensure that your readers see your own branding/logo when they click through. In this short post, we tell you how to customise the landing pages that are automatically generated by Simplelists, which your readers will see when subscribing or unsubscribing, or visiting email archives.

customise landing page branding

Customising Simplelists landing pages

Your Simplelists list has several landing pages. These are webpages for members to subscribe and unsubscribe, and for email archives. To make things quick and easy, these landing pages are set up for you automatically - you don’t need to do a thing. But, if you’d like to, you can customise your landing pages to replace the Simplelists branding with your own logo or branding.

Use your own logo or branding

In the image below, you can see a simple subscribe form with the Simplelists branding. To replace this with another image, copy the web address of the image that you would like to use. Then, log into Simplelists and go to ‘General settings’ in the left hand menu. Paste the web address of the image you wish to use into the custom image field and click ‘Update settings’.

If you have done this correctly, the message ‘The settings have been updated successfully’ will appear at the top of the screen. When you reload the page, you will see the new image, instead of the Simplelists branding.

customise landing page

Other things to think about

If you are using Simplelists for an email marketing campaign, you should give some thought to what you want your landing page to achieve when members visit it. Often, a landing page will be a separate page, distinct from your website (and not just the home page) which is designed for a single purpose. This might be to persuade the list member to visit another page (click through), perhaps to purchase a product, or to capture their data, such as their name and email address (lead generation). A good landing page will often have no ties to your website (e.g. no main navigation menu) and only be accessible from the link in the email.

That’s all there is for now to customising your landing pages. You can also watch these instructions in a short video in a previous post on our blog, or read some tips about how to create the perfect landing page, based on the aims of your email marketing campaign.

